In this article, we will explore how Infor time clock can effectively manage business compliance. We will also discuss the importance of attestation in managing compliance and how Infor time clock can help streamline this process.

CloudApper AI Time Clock is a software-based time-tracking solution that can turn any tablet or iPad into a time clock for Infor. This innovative solution offers multiple methods for clocking in and out, such as biometrics, PIN, QR code, and NFC. This versatility ensures that employees can clock in and out conveniently, regardless of their preferred method.

To manage compliance, AI Time Clock offers a custom attestation feature that can capture attestation from the time clock interface for every employee who clocks in or out. This feature streamlines compliance attestation and ensures that employees are accurately tracked for compliance purposes.

Captured attestations with AI TimeClock serve as proof of whether employees did or did not take their allotted rest or meal break. For example, if an employee tries to punch in early, AI TimeClock can ask them why they’re not taking their allotted time. Is their early return voluntary? Has their manager requested that they come back? Capturing these questions with AI TimeClock helps organizations avoid paying the meal penalty whenever an employee returns too early.

AI Time Clock also offers an AI Assistant to automatically answer employees with policy, compliance, PTO, etc. related questions. It also offers employees self-service features like PTO requests, schedule views, timecards, etc.
To book a free demo and learn more about how AI Time Clock can help manage compliance for your business, contact us today.


CloudApper AI Time Clock

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