We’ve all seen it – employees arriving late or clocking out after their designated shift ends. These timekeeping issues can disrupt workflows and inflate payroll costs. But there’s another, often overlooked, concern: early check-ins. Even a few minutes of clocking in before a scheduled shift can ripple effect, impacting everything from payroll accuracy to operational efficiency.

Fortunately, Workday HCM users have a robust solution: CloudApper AI TimeClock. This integrated time clock system offers a range of features specifically designed to implement scheduling restrictions with Workday, preventing early check-ins and ensuring your payroll reflects actual working hours. Let’s explore why early check-ins are a concern and how CloudApper AI TimeClock can help you regain control:


Why Early Check-Ins Matter

While seemingly harmless, early check-ins can have a significant financial impact on your business. Here’s how:

  • Inflated Payroll Costs: Every minute clocked before a scheduled shift translates to additional pay for hourly employees. Even a few minutes of early check-ins for a team can add up quickly, impacting your payroll budget and increasing payroll mistakes.

Consider this: Let’s say you have a team of 10 hourly employees who consistently clock in 5 minutes early each day. Assuming a minimum wage of $15 per hour, this translates to an additional cost of $75 per day, or $1,875 per month, just from early check-ins.

  • Disrupted Workflows: Early arrivals can disrupt carefully planned workflows. Early check-ins can lead to idle time and decreased productivity if equipment or resources aren’t readily available.
  • Unnecessary Overtime: In some cases, early arrivals can lead to employees working beyond their scheduled hours, potentially creating overtime obligations.

Implementing Scheduling Restrictions with CloudApper AI TimeClock

CloudApper AI TimeClock seamlessly integrates with the Workday workforce scheduling management, offering a suite of features to implement scheduling restrictions with Workday and prevent early check-ins effectively:

  • Set Individual or Group Schedules: Define specific start and end times for individual employees or teams in workday workforce scheduling management. This information seamlessly syncs with CloudApper AI TimeClock, ensuring the system recognizes authorized working hours and reduces employee no-shows.
  • Enable Time Clock Restrictions: CloudApper AI TimeClock allows you to configure the system only to accept punches within the defined schedule window. Any attempt to clock in before the designated start time will be denied, and the expected work hours will be clearly communicated to employees.


  • Define Grace Periods (Optional): For some situations, you might want to allow a small window of flexibility. CloudApper AI TimeClock lets you set a grace period (e.g., 5 minutes) before the official start time. Punches within this grace period will be accepted, offering a buffer for minor variations in arrival times.

Additional Benefits of CloudApper AI TimeClock

CloudApper AI TimeClock goes beyond simply preventing early check-ins, offering additional benefits for streamlined timekeeping:

  • Receive Manager Notifications: If an employee attempts to clock in outside their scheduled window, CloudApper AI TimeClock can send instant notifications to managers. This allows for prompt intervention and addresses any potential issues.
  • Improved Payroll Accuracy: By preventing unauthorized punches and ensuring accurate timekeeping, CloudApper AI TimeClock reduces the risk of errors in global payroll calculations.


Early check-ins, while seemingly insignificant, can significantly impact your business operations and payroll costs. By implementing scheduling restrictions with Workday using CloudApper AI TimeClock, you can create a more efficient and cost-effective work environment. Contact CloudApper today to discover how our solution can help you streamline your timekeeping processes, prevent early check-ins, and optimize your Workday experience. Take control of your payroll and watch your business thrive!