Finding an HR tool that provides accurate reports and analytics is tough. Finding one that can be integrated with Workday or used as an alternative to the Workday Time Clock is even tougher. One such innovative alternative to the Workday time clock is CloudApper hrPad, a cutting-edge, AI-powered time-tracking platform that can provide accurate reports and analytics specific to your needs.

Unlock the Power of Reporting & Analytics With CloudApper hrPad

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The CloudApper hrPad is not just a Workday Time Clock alternative, it can provide you with AI-powered accurate reports and analytics that can help your HR team make data-driven decisions, and as a result, your business will thrive. 

Here are a few major AI-powered reporting and analytics features that can be a game-changer for your business.

Attendance Report

Your employees can clock in and out using the hrPad’s touchless face ID, QR code, Bar code, or even their unique PIN code. For every employee who clocked in and out using the hrPad, you can check their attendance report. 

Time Worked & Time-off Report

The CloudApper hrPad tracks the work time and break time of each of your employees and creates an easy-to-read report for you to check out. All your employees need to do is verify their identification using the Face ID check-in feature and the time clock will record the time taken to work or the time-off. 

Job Transfer Report

If you require your front-line staff to work on multiple types of tasks and want to keep a record of each employee’s duration of task completion, the CloudApper hrPad can do that easily.

Employees can move from one task to another by using the unique touchless verification feature and get on to do their regular work. Thus, employees won’t need to do any manual data entry and start their tasks with a fresh mind.


CloudApper AI Time Clock

CloudApper AI TimeClock's QR Code Based Solution Deployment For Employee Clock-Ins at Pacific Atlantic Handling

Absence Report

With a Workday Time Clock like the CloudApper hrPad, you easily can check which of your employees are absent or haven’t clock-in at the workplace. You can not only check this data for a single date but also have a weekly, monthly, or yearly view. 

Scheduled vs Actual Work Hours

Let’s say that the scheduled time for your employees is usually from 9 AM to 5 PM, but one of your employees works from 10 AM to 6 PM for their convenience. With the CloudApper hrPad, you can check these irregular data at any time. 

Employee Clock-in & Out History

Suppose one of your employees forgot whether they clocked in or not when they entered the workplace. With a perfect Workday Time Clock like the CloudApper hrPad your employees can check their clock in and out report any time by verifying their identity using the touchless face ID verification feature.


In conclusion, CloudApper hrPad offers a cutting-edge, AI-powered Workday Time Clock. With features like attendance reports, time worked and time-off reports, job transfer reports, absence reports, and employee clock-in & out history, hrPad provides accurate and AI-powered analytics that can help you and your HR teams make data-driven decisions. 

So, if you want to get detailed reports and analytics about your front-line employees, contact us now.