Employee feedback is a crucial aspect of any organization that wants to improve itself. It offers valuable insights into employee well-being, job satisfaction, and overall organizational health. For HR teams, gathering such feedback is essential as it helps in making informed decisions, fostering a positive workplace culture, and enhancing employee engagement. That being said, let’s dive into the significance of employee surveys and how isolved the CloudApper AI TimeClock for isolved can help HR teams streamline the process of gathering feedback.

The Importance of Employee Surveys

Employee surveys play a pivotal role in understanding the sentiments and needs of the workforce. They empower HR teams to identify areas of improvement, boost employee morale, and ultimately contribute to the organization’s overall success. Gathering feedback on aspects like work pressure, job satisfaction, and general well-being helps in creating a more positive and productive workplace.

Benefits of Gathering Employee Feedback via Surveys

  • Enhanced Employee Engagement: Regular feedback collection fosters a sense of inclusivity and shows employees that their opinions matter, leading to increased engagement.
  • Identifying Areas for Improvement: Employee feedback helps HR teams pinpoint specific areas that may require attention, leading to targeted improvements in policies and processes.
  • Boosting Employee Morale: Acknowledging and acting on employee feedback can positively impact morale, creating a more satisfied and motivated workforce.
  • Improved Organizational Culture: A continuous feedback loop contributes to the development of a positive and transparent organizational culture.

But how can the CloudApper AI TimeClock help isolved users collect employee feedback quickly and easily?

CloudApper AI TimeClock for isolved

CloudApper AI TimeClock is an advanced, AI-powered employee time capture solution designed specifically for isolved Time users. It provides a highly customizable solution that goes beyond time tracking. It utilizes Android tablets and iPads and turns them into custom isolved time clocks – one standout feature is its ability to capture custom data, making it ideal for gathering employee feedback during clock-ins and outs.

How CloudApper AI TimeClock Collects Employee Feedback

CloudApper AI TimeClock allows isolved Time users to configure custom data capture fields for employee feedback. Organizations can choose to prompt employees for feedback during clock-outs, presenting a popup where employees can share insights on their work experiences, stress levels, or any other relevant topics. This user-friendly approach simplifies the feedback collection process, makes it shorter, and encourages participation.

But that’s not all our CloudApper AI TimeClock can do.

CloudApper AI TimeClock – Do More Than Gather Feedback

  • Customized Employee Time Capture: CloudApper AI TimeClock offers flexibility in capturing employee time data according to the organization’s unique requirements.
  • HCM Automation: The solution helps automate HCM tasks, streamlining processes for greater efficiency.
  • Custom Data Capture: Beyond employee feedback, CloudApper AI TimeClock enables the capture of various custom data, such as tips, attestations, declarations, and more.
  • Face ID Verification: The solution ensures secure clock-ins and outs by verifying employee identities using facial recognition technology.
  • AI Chatbot Support: CloudApper AI TimeClock provides 24/7 HR support to employees through an AI chatbot, addressing queries and concerns promptly.
  • Compliance and Fair Pay: By automatically tracking and recording work hours, the solution helps organizations boost compliance with regulations while ensuring fair pay.

Benefits for isolved Users

CloudApper AI TimeClock empowers isolved Time users by:

  • Making the most out of isolved HCM for employee feedback.
  • Automating HCM processes for increased efficiency.
  • Reducing buddy punching with secure face ID verification.
  • Improving productivity and boosting the bottom line through streamlined operations.


CloudApper AI TimeClock serves as a robust, reliable, and cost-effective solution for isolved Time users, offering a unique and efficient way to gather employee feedback. By leveraging its customizable features, organizations can not only streamline time tracking but also enhance employee engagement, automate HCM processes, and ensure compliance. Contact us now to discover the power of CloudApper AI TimeClock, transform workforce management processes, and achieve superior efficiency by maximizing productivity and employee satisfaction levels.