Managing a large workforce and creating optimal shift patterns can be a never-ending conundrum. Finding out which employees will be absent at the last minute, which employees will be working overtime, or which employees are usually inconsistent with their shifts and managing all of this manually leads to chaos. On the other hand, inconsistent schedules cause employee dissatisfaction weariness, and, eventually, a decrease in productivity. Schedule optimization using a Workday TimeClock, such as the CloudApper AI TimeClock, could be the missing piece here. CloudApper integrates seamlessly with your existing Workday system, giving you an effective way to optimize schedules that benefit both your employees and your company.

Why Schedule Optimization Matters for Your Large Workforce

Optimizing shift schedules isn’t just about convenience; it’s a strategic decision with significant benefits for your company:

  • Enhanced Employee Satisfaction and Retention: Unpredictable schedules and lengthy hours affect work-life balance, resulting in dissatisfied and burned-out employees. As a result, employees are more likely to leave your organization, leading to high employee turnover rates. An optimal shift plan allows you to consider employee preferences and provide greater predictability, increasing employee satisfaction and reducing turnover rates.
  • Improved Productivity and Performance: Employees may be required to work consecutive shifts due to inefficient scheduling. This exhausts and depletes their energy, making it difficult for them to work productively. An optimized shift scheduling system ensures enough breaks while also taking into account workloads, resulting in a more focused and productive workforce.
  • Reduced Labor Costs: Inefficient staffing methods, such as overstaffing during slow periods or understaffing during peak periods, can have a substantial influence on your company’s bottom line. Overstaffing wastes resources. You are effectively paying for idle time, as staff with no pressing tasks may become less productive. On the other hand, understaffing at peak periods causes a different set of issues.  With insufficient labor to handle the increased workload, businesses frequently rely on overtime to meet customer demands or complete tasks on time. Thus, you must rely on overtime pay, which significantly increases labor costs when compared to regular pay rates. These issues can be avoided with an optimized scheduling system, resulting in lower labor costs.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: Appropriate staffing levels are critical in customer-facing positions. If the staffing level is insufficient, clients will have to wait longer than usual to receive service, resulting in customer dissatisfaction. By optimizing your employees’ shift schedules, you will have enough staff on each shift and your customers will receive their service on time. This results in an amazing customer experience and high customer satisfaction.
  • Compliance with Labor Laws: Labor rules require breaks, maximum working hours, and rest intervals between shifts. By properly optimizing your employees’ schedules, you can build schedules that meet these laws while avoiding legal complications and fines.

CloudApper AI TimeClock: Your Partner in Schedule Optimization with Workday

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CloudApper AI TimeClock goes beyond simply capturing employee time data. It empowers you to leverage that data to create optimized schedules that address your specific needs. Here’s how:

  • Data-Driven Insights: CloudApper AI TimeClock, which is integrated with Workday, captures detailed time data, including regular hours, overtime, breaks, and even job transfers. This data provides a goldmine of information about historical workloads and employee availability. By evaluating this data, you can uncover staffing patterns and estimate future demands, allowing you to make more informed scheduling decisions.
  • Shift Swapping: CloudApper allows employees to request shift changes and swap shifts with coworkers. This allows employees to have some choice over their schedules while yet providing enough staffing coverage. You can even set approval workflows and receive notifications when swaps are proposed.
  • Employee Skill and Availability Matching with Intelligent Shift Bidding: When integrated with Workday, CloudApper AI TimeClock enables employees to bid on open shifts. When they bid on open shifts, CloudApper selects the best-fit employees based on their skills, previous work hours, and experience. But it doesn’t end there; you can also specify your predefined criteria, and the AI TimeClock will choose employees based on those criteria.
  • Shift Confirmation: Clear and transparent communication is essential. CloudApper AI TimeClock provides shift confirmation notifications to your employees via email/SMS at a predetermined time before each shift begins. Employees can confirm their attendance for that specific shift by simply responding to the notification. This gives you time to look for replacements, or you can simply publish an open shift on the CloudApper AI TimeClock and let your employees bid for it using the above-mentioned process.


Don’t let unoptimized schedules hold your workforce back. Schedule optimization with Workday TimeClock like the CloudApper AI TimeClock can revolutionize your approach to shift scheduling. 

So, if you want to efficiently optimize schedules for your workforce and ensure a good work-life for them, contact us today.