Managing a large workforce requires constant monitoring of your operations, including accurate employee time data. Inconsistent or missing data might result in payroll problems, compliance issues, and trouble optimizing scheduling. CloudApper AI TimeClock integrates seamlessly with your existing Workday system, giving a powerful and easy-to-use solution for accurate employee time data capture. CloudApper provides the knowledge you need to properly manage your workforce and maintain a smooth operation.

Why Capture Employee Time Data?

Capturing employee time data is not an optional thing anymore, it’s a necessity. Here’s why it’s crucial for large organizations:

  • Accurate Payroll: Manual timekeeping is prone to errors, particularly when dealing with a large workforce. Having a tool by your side that can accurately capture your employees’ punch-in and out times guarantees that they are paid properly for the hours they worked, including regular pay, overtime, and breaks.  
  • Project Management & Costing: Understanding how much time is spent on different tasks and projects is critical for successful project management and accurate payroll. A data capture system that can keep track of the hours worked on each activity or project will assist you in reducing costs and ensuring a fair payroll for everyone.
  • Compliance with Labor Laws: Labor rules require employees to take breaks, be paid for overtime, and keep track of their work hours. You can comply with labor rules by using a system that can capture employees’ breaks, meals, and overtime.
  • Workforce Management & Scheduling: Understanding workload demands is necessary for effective scheduling. An employee time data capturing tool can track each employee’s work hours for each shift, allowing you to gain accurate insights into who is overworked or underworked and optimize shift plans accordingly.
  • Employee Work-Life Balance: Consistent monitoring of employee hours helps identify situations where employees are consistently working excessive hours. This allows you to take proactive measures to promote a healthy work-life balance for your workforce, reducing burnout and improving employee well-being.

How CloudApper AI TimeClock Captures Employee Time Data

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CloudApper AI TimeClock offers a variety of methods to capture employee time data seamlessly within your Workday environment:

  • Clock-In and Out Data: CloudApper AI TimeClock, when integrated with Workday, can capture employee attendance data using touchless facial recognition, bar codes, QR codes, and PINs. With such a multi-modal employee verification capability, it captures employees’ punch-in and out times to the second.  
  • Break Time: CloudApper AI TimeClock enables employees to clock in and out during breaks while conforming to company policies. This allows you to track overall work time as well as breaks taken to get a more complete picture and ensure compliance with labor laws.
  • Job Transfer: When employees switch between projects with different wage rates, they can clock in and out to keep track of the time spent on each task. This is done in the same way as employees clock in and out of work, using multi-modal employee verification. This allows for precise wage estimations depending on time spent on various jobs.
  • Group Punch: When numerous employees start or end their shifts at the same time, CloudApper AI TimeClock’s group punch function makes time capture easier, resulting in more efficient operations. The management of that particular business, or you, can approve group punches and retain correct time records for your staff.
  • Offline Data Capture: Even when internet connectivity is limited, CloudApper AI TimeClock, which can be integrated with Workday, records time data offline and instantly syncs it when the connection is restored. This ensures that data is not lost, even during temporary network interruptions.
  • Missed Punch Data: CloudApper offers a user-friendly interface for employees to submit missed punches for approval by supervisors. If an employee forgets to punch in, the AI TimeClock will send them a missed punch notification by SMS or email after a specific amount of time. If the employee forgets to punch in even after that, they can seek a missed punch by providing the exact time of attendance, which will be recorded with your approval. 


Large enterprises should make a strategic investment in a sophisticated employee time data capture solution such as CloudApper AI TimeClock. This enables you to optimize payroll operations, manage projects effectively, ensure labor law compliance, improve workforce management and scheduling, and create a good work-life balance for your employees.

So, if you want an employee time data capture solution that can do all of these, get in touch with us right now.